Henry Lion Oldie means Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky
The novel “Perseus’s Grandson. Book 2: The Son of Limping Alceus” by H. L. Oldie just has been published in Ukrainian translation on H. L. Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld”. This is the final, 2nd book of the novel of two books “Perseus’s Grandson” (heroic mythological fantasy; Ancient Greece) by H. L. Oldie.
What writer’s results of the year can be? Of course, bookish results. All of 2023 we worked, we did what we can do. We wish could have done more, but we just have that we worked out. And in 2023, except electronic publications, we published eight books in three languages (see the first picture collage […]
A new science fiction short story by H. L. Oldie “FUTURE” is just published on Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld” in Russian and in Ukrainian (+ audio-version in Russian).
The novel “Perseus’s Grandson. Book 1: My Grandfather is an Exterminator” by H. L. Oldie just has been published in Ukrainian translation on H. L. Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld”. This is the 1st book of the novel of two books “Perseus’s Grandson” (heroic mythological fantasy; Ancient Greece) by H. L. Oldie.
A new short story by H. L. Oldie “The Christmas Tree” is just published on Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld” in Russian and in Ukrainian (+ audio-version in Russian). This is a mystic short story on the material of today war in Ukraine.
The science fiction anthology «THE DIGITAL AESTHETE. Human Musings on the Intersection of Art and AI» has been published in English in the USA. The book has been released in an electronic edition and in paper form. The anthology includes 17 SF stories by authors from different countries: Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Japan, […]
The complete trilogy-novel (all three volumes in one book) “The Savages of Oikoumene” by H. L. Oldie just has been published in Ukrainian translation on H. L. Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld”. This is the third trilogy-novel from the large space opera cycle “Oikoumene” by H. L. Oldie.
“The Savages of Oikoumene. Volume 3: The Leader” by H. L. Oldie just has been published in Ukrainian translation on H. L. Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld”. This is the final, 3rd book of the third trilogy-novel from the large space opera cycle “Oikoumene” by H. L. Oldie.
A new short story by H. L. Oldie “The Power of the Word” is just published on Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld” in Russian and in Ukrainian (+ audio-version in Russian). This is a mythological short story based on a material of Ancient Greece mythology.
Two short stories by H. L. Oldie have been published in two magazines of two countries. “Resque Rangers” short story has been published in “Galaxies” magazine, France; and “Mermaid” short story has been published in “Raduga” (“Rainbow”) magazine / almanac, Ukraine.