

Henry Lion Oldie means Dmitry Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhensky




Fantasy and science fiction novels written by Henry Lion Oldie




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The theater play “SECOND HAND” by H. L. Oldie in three languages

The theater play “SECOND HAND” by Henry Lion Oldie was published today on the author’s website “OldieWorld” in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and German. Ukrainian translation by Serhii Fedorchuk, edited by H. L. Oldie. German translation by Dina Pohl and Falk Steinle. The collected funds will go to help Ukrainians who have suffered from hostilities […]


“I Will Wait”: a new short story by H. L. Oldie

A new short story by H. L. Oldie “I Will Wait” is just published on Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld” in Russian and in Ukrainian (+ audio-version in Russian). This is a horror / mystic short story on the material of today war in Ukraine.


“Small Circle” by H. L. Oldie is published in three languages

The Polish literary journal / magazine “Radar”, which was published in 2010-2014, is resuming its activities with a special issue after an almost nine-years hiatus. This is a trilingual (Polish-Ukrainian-German) edition, to which authors, translators, scholarship recipients of Willy Deciusha, who collaborated with “Radar” earlier, and whose world was completely changed as a result of […]


“Rescue Rangers” by Henry Lion Oldie in Hungarian

SF short story by Henry Lion Oldie “Rescue Rangers” has been published in Hungarian translation in SF & Fantasy magazine “Galaktika” (“Galaxy”), in issue 389, August 2022. You can find three links below: to the description of this issue of the magazine (1) and to its electronic (2) and paper (3) versions on the website […]


Invasion (Journal d’Ukrainiens pacifiques)

The French publishing house “Les Belles Lettres” publishes a book of “war diaries” by Henry Lion Oldie together with selected poems by Oleg Ladyzhensky. The official release is scheduled for January 13, 2023. Transaltors – Patrice et Viktoriya Lajoye. Célèbres écrivains ukrainiens russophones, Oleg Ladyjenski et Dmitri Gromov sont les co-auteurs de nombreux romans publiés […]


“Oikoumene” trilogy-novel by H. L. Oldie: the complete publication in Ukrainian

“Oikoumene” trilogy-novel (Space Symphony) by H. L. Oldie has been complitely published in Ukrainian translation on Authors’ website “OldieWorld”. “Oikoumene” is an adventure space opera trilogy-novel. A far future, many different planets, different human races, space travels, adventures and battles, secret intrigues, scientific researches, dangerous continuum fluctuations, strong and charismatic characters. And so-called Antises: a […]


Fantastická Ukrajina

Martin Roger Kralik, publisher of e-books and science fiction magazine from Slovakia, some time ago launching crowdfunding project: a collection of fantasy stories by Ukrainian writers translated into Slovak. All funds raised from this project will go to help Ukrainian refugees who are now in Slovakia. Martin invited H.L.Oldie to participate in this project – […]



Dear friends! We’d like to present you a new short story by Henry Lion Oldie “Cassandras” in Russian and in Ukrainian (in authors’ translation) as well as an audio recording performed by Oleg Ladyzhensky (in Russian). You can find all of these on our official ebook shoop – Oldie World. It’s a mystical horror story […]


“The Puppet Master” – third part of “Oikoumene” novel in Ukraninan translation

Lorina Filonenko translated in Ukraninan third part of “Oikoumene” novel – “The Puppet Master”. Official e-book shop “Oldie World” started publication in “ongoing” format. Currently published prologue and first chapter. New chapters will be released twice a week – on Tuesday and Friday. Group of Vekhden’s terrorists kidnap Luchano, Julia, and two children, known as […]
