EN. Author's collection of short story in English tranlation, 2023.
The Eighth Circle of Subway
The End Jus...Book Details
Publish : 2023
Store :
Short Stories

FR, UA, RU. Documentary prose, 2023.
Diary of the first months of a large-scale war that Russia unleashed against Ukraine.
Publishing house "Le...Book Details
Publish : 2023
Publisher : Patrice and Viktoriya Lajoye

RU, UA, EN. Short story, 2022.
Mystical and realistic fiction story based on a material of the Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Levchenko noticed h...Book Details
Publish : 2022
Store :
The Angel named Hunch

RU, UA, EN. Short story, 2004. Part of novel-cycle "The Pentacle".
Social science fiction, mystic.
To save the world! Daily? What could be e...Book Details
Publish : 2004
Rescue Rangers

RU, FR. Histoire, 1998.
Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetr...Book Details
Publish : 1998

RU, FR, UA. Histoire, 2007.
Et si la malédiction n’en était pas une?
Une nouvelle de la série magique Rettia. La traduction a été publié...Book Details
Publish : 2007
La Malédiction

RU, EN. Novelette, 2015.
The FINAL, 12th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historical adventure and poetic fantasy; Medieval...Book Details
Publish : April 28, 2015
Store :
Peter and Death

RU, EN. Novelette, 2015.
The 11th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historical adventure and poetic fantasy & horror; Me...Book Details
Publish : March 27, 2015
Store :
I Will Repay

RU, EN. Novelette, 2015.
The 10th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historical adventure and poetic fantasy, horror, demons,...Book Details
Publish : February 26, 2015
Store :
The Hand and The Mirror

RU, EN. Novelette, 2015.
The 9th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : January 24, 2015
Store :
An Island that Is Always with You

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014.
The 8th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : December 20, 2014
Store :
The Cruel Choice of Anika the Warrior

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014.
The 7th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : December 2, 2014
Store :
Lower My Eyelids: The Day of All the Outcasts

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014.
The 6th novelette from novel-cycle “The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : October 31, 2014
Store :
The Blind Hear Well

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014.
The 5th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : October 7, 2014
Store :
The Price of Money

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014,
The 4th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : August 31, 2014
Store :
So Much Ado about Paleness, Maestro!

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014.
The 3rd novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : July 27, 2014
Store :
A Djinni Named Conscience

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014.
The 2nd novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : June 30, 2014
Store :
The Ballade of the Twins

RU, EN. Novelette, 2014.
The 1st novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
...Book Details
Publish : May 28, 2014
Store :
Here and Now

RU, FR. Histoire, 2012.
Aventure ironique de science-fiction, hommage à Robert Sheckley.
L'héroïne est une jeune ambitieuse qui se moque ...Book Details
Publish : November 3, 2012
La Fin Justifie les Moyens

RU, UA, FR. Histoire, 2012.
Fantaisie romantique.
Albert, un étudiant, rêvait de jeter un coup d'oeil au futur, pour savoir si sa vie futu...Book Details
Publish : November 2, 2012
Une vie qui n’a pas eu lieu

RU, ES. Historia, 1994.
Fantasía romántica.
El mundo dislocó una articulación, como decía Shakespeare. Después de la Gran Quiebra en e...Book Details
Publish : 1994
Store :
Anabel Lee

RU, UA, FR. Histoire, 2012.
Parabole biblique de la résurrection de Lazare d'une nouvelle manière.
Il voulait faire revenir l'amour perdu ...Book Details
Publish : September 29, 2012
Releve-toi Lazar

RU, UA, FR. Histoire, 2006.
Une histoire surréaliste sur l'au-delà. Dédié à Roger Zelazny.
Les gens disparurent. Personne ne venait plu...Book Details
Publish : 2006
Viens me voir dans ma solitude

RU, EN, short story, 2012.
Ironic adventure science fiction, tribute to Robert Sheckley.
The heroine is young, ambitious, and sick of all th...Book Details
Publish : September 27, 2012
The End Justifies the Means

RU, UA, EN, FR. Short story, 1992.
Adventure science fiction, action post-apocalyptic.
Competition in a subway - one wrong step and infernal...Book Details
Publish : 1992
The Eighth Circle of Subway

RU, EN, FR. short story, 2012.
Apocalyptic science fiction, mystic.
Ravens were the only survivors of the last war on Earth. One of the rave...Book Details
Publish : 2012
Store :

RU, UA, EN. Short story, 1993.
Historical fantasy.
Is it easy to be a student of an executioner? Of a great, brilliant executioner? Probably...Book Details
Publish : 1993

RU, UA, EN. Novel, 2003-2004.
Adventure ironic fantasy.
Shmagic is a whimsical fantasy novel that follows the brooding hero Andrea Musculus,...Book Details
Publish : 2004

RU, EN. The novel-cycle of 12 novelettes, 2001-2003
Historic adventure poetic fantasy; Medieval Europe.
Traveling over many roads is Peter S...Book Details
Publish : 2003
Songs of Peter Sliadek

RU, DE, UA. Play, 2002.
Tragicomic mysticism.
Published 8 times from 2002 to 2011 (Ukraine, Russia)....Book Details
Publish : 2002
Second Hand

RU, FR. "Magiosi" (novel, vol. 2: "My Sin is Always with Me", 1999)
Alternate history, urban fantasy; Russia at the beginning of XX century.
...Book Details
Publish : 1999
Magiosi. Vol. 2: My Sin is Always with Me

RU, FR. Novel, 1999.
Alternate history, urban fantasy; Russia, a beginning of XX century.
The alternative history with magic. Alternative Ru...Book Details
Publish : 1999
Magiosi. Vol. 1: Let Their Way Be Wrong and Dark

RU, FR, UA. Novel, 1996.
Adventure historical fantasy-romance, Medieval Poland.
In a distant village Shaflary in the lower part of Tatra mou...Book Details
Publish : 1996
Stepchildren of the Eighth Commandment