I Will Repay

I Will Repay
Publish: March 27, 2015
Translator: Ekaterina Kimaeva, Irena and Michael Pevzner, Avery Cunningham
Language: English, Russian
Reader's Review: The 11th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historical adventure and poetic fantasy & horror; Medieval Europe.
RU, EN. Novelette, 2015.
The 11th novelette from novel-cycle "The Songs of Peter Sliadek". Historical adventure and poetic fantasy & horror; Medieval Europe.
There are always three Storetzes that live in the village of Yablonez. If a fourth one is born, one of the original three has to die. If a Storetz likes someone, this person will be lucky and happy. If a Storez doesn’t like someone, misfortune, illnesses, and lethal accident will follow such a person until he dies.