What writer’s results of the year can be? Of course, bookish results. All of 2023 we worked, we did what we can do. We wish could have done more, but we just have that we worked out. And in 2023, except electronic publications, we published eight books in three languages (see the first picture collage for this post) and five stories in magazines and anthologies in five languages (see the second picture collage). Not enough or a lot enough? More than hoped for, less than we would have liked. Well, let’s exhale, look back at the passing 2023, take a breath — and in 2024 we’ll get back to work.
We wish you, friends, not to give up, not to despair, to do what you can do — and do it well. Good luck, good health, good news! To all our warriors — to come home alive and well and with victory!
Happy coming New Year!
Sincerely yours,
Dmytro Gromov and Oleg Ladyzhenskij (H. L. Oldie).