Category Archives: News

A new book by Henry Lion Oldie “Carp & Dragon. Book 1: Tales of Karma” in Ukrainian

A new book by Henry Lion Oldie “Carp & Dragon. Book 1: Tales of Karma” (alternate history, mystics, historical fantasy-detective, medieval Japan) is just published in Ukrainian in hard cover by “FOLIO” Publisher. Inside black-white illustrations by Alexander Semiakin. The cover picture by Utagawa Kunisada (XIX centuty). Translated by Lorina Filonenko.


A new novelette by H. L. Oldie “Orpheus & Eurydice. Part 1”

A new novelette by H. L. Oldie “Orpheus & Eurydice. Part 1” is just published on Oldie’s Authors’ website “OldieWorld” in Ukrainian and in Russian. This is a science fantasy novelette based on the material of today war in Ukraine and mythology of Ancient Greece.
