Volodymyr Slepchenko. Bio

VOLODYMYR SLEPCHENKO is a Ukrainian artist / painter.
People’s Artist of Ukraine, Honored Artist of Ukraine, professor, academician, philanthropist and volunteer.

He was born on November 13, 1947. He graduated from the Ivanovo Art School as a painter and teacher. In 1981, he graduated from the Faculty of Graphics of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv, specializing in graphic design for book illustrations. He has been a member of the National Union of Artists since 1986.
Painter, graphic artist, monumentalist, master of psychological portraiture. He works in the artistic direction of romantic symbolism, invented his own author’s technique and unique style of “Artline” (art of the line).

Volodymyr Slepchenko participates in many charity projects to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
One of the newest paintings by Volodymyr Slepchenko, “Holy Guardian Angel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Warrior” (graphics, 2024), is based on the story by H. L. Oldie “The Angel named Hunch”, dedicated to the current war that Russia has unleashed against Ukraine. This painting opens the personal gallery of Volodymyr Slepchenko on the website “OldieWorld”.
Welcome to the gallery of Volodymyr Slepchenko!

This gallery is also a charity project. By clicking on the button/link you can make a donation to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Let’s get inspired by Mr. Slepchenko’s paintings and help our defenders!

Holy Guardian Angel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Warrior. Inspired by story "The Angel named Hunch" by Henry Lion Oldie

Holy Guardian Angel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Warrior (inspired by story “The Angel named Hunch” by Henry Lion Oldie)

Volodymyr Slepchenko has participated in numerous regional, national and international exhibitions. He is the winner of many national and international awards. Since 1970, he has held more than 100 personal exhibitions in Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, Canada, Israel, Slovakia, Italy, Greece, Spain, Japan and other countries. He is a participant of the group exhibition of Ukrainian artists “Autumn Salon-90” in Paris (France), 1990. Volodymyr Slepchenko got a Special Prize at the International Exhibition at the National Museum of Kobe (Japan), 2011. International Botticelli Prize for outstanding contribution to the development of world art (Italy, 2019). International final certificate in the International Competition 2018-2019 of the Circle Foundation for the originality and uniqueness of the author’s style of art. All-Ukrainian Ivan Ohienko Prize (2019) for the creation of the social and patriotic project “Chosen by Time”, Gallery of Portraits of Famous Ukrainians. International Prize named after Valerij Heghamian (The Best Аrtist-2019).
Volodymyr Slepchenko’s paintings and graphic works are kept in museums, galleries and private collections in Ukraine and many countries all around the world.

Since 2018, the painting “THE GREAT BAPTISM” has found its place of honor forever in the permanent exhibition on the second floor of the main shrine of Ukraine — St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv and is a patronage gift of the author to the National Reserve “St. Sophia of Kyiv”. The painting “Brothers of the Third Company” is in the permanent exhibition of the Lviv Palace of Arts (2023).
The portrait of Taras Shevchenko (style “Artline”, acrylic, 2011) is kept in the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv.
Since 2005, the portrait of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta Andrew Bertie has been on permanent display at the world-famous Gallery of Portraits of Grand Masters in Malta.

For more than 50 years, the artist has been working fruitfully in various types and genres of fine art: painting, graphics, monumental and decorative art, design and heraldic art.

Among the main works of the artist are narrative paintings of historical themes from the Trypillia era to the present: “Renaissance” (1991),“Lord Give Me” (1995-1997), “Great Baptism” (1998), “Nestor the Chronicler” (1999), triptych “Scythia” (2005), “And the Eternal Battle” (2005), “Unsung Song of Mazepa” (2007), “Trypillia and Trypillians” (2007) and others. He created a series of works “Shevchenkiana”, painting series “Woman in Labour” (2010), “Echo of the Ancient Times of Ukraine” (2012), “Melodies of the Old City” (2005), “Kyiv as a Portrait” (2013), “Parallel Worlds”, “Revolution of Dignity” (2013-1014), “Faces of War” (2014-2024), graphic series “Requiem”, “Philosophy, History, Symbolism” and others.
Since 2011, he has been working on the project “Chosen by Time” in his own author’s painting style “Artline”, which includes series: “Gallery of Portraits of Famous Ukrainians”, “Outstanding Figures of World Civilization”, “Literary Elite of Ukraine”. The series “Literary Elite of Ukraine”, which includes portraits of contemporary recognized writers, is a patronage gift from the author and was permanently placed in the permanent exhibition of the National Museum of Literature of Ukraine in Kyiv in 2017.

Volodymyr Slepchenko has received high state awards and honorary titles:
Honored Artist of Ukraine (1998), Order of Merit III degree (2007), People’s Artist of Ukraine (2009).
He is a full member (academician) of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, head of the Department of Culture and Arts and academician of the World Academy of Arts (MONDIAL ART ACADEMIA, France).



References: Volodymyr Slepchenko in Wikipedia

Albums and galleries in Facebook:


All paintings are placed in the gallery exclusively for private personal viewing. Any commercial use and/or distribution is possible only with the official personal permission of the author — Volodymyr Slepchenko. You can contact the author to obtain such permission, purchase original paintings and for other similar issues by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: +380974032675 — art producer Zenona.
© Copyright protection is provided by the Ukrainian law firm Advance Partners. The copyright to the works of fine art is also protected by the Certificate of Copyright Registration No. 67430 dated 22.08.2016 (“Creative style of ‘art-line’ in the painting of Volodymyr Slepchenko”). The use of materials from the site in electronic publications, pages of Internet sites, or other forms is possible only in the form of an active link and subject to the author’s indication. All rights reserved!